Get SSL Cert
To enable SSL on our site we need to get a certificate for the domain. Handily for domains registered through route53 we can use ACM to create the required cert.
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Route 53 console at
- Click Register Certificate
- Request a public cert
- Specify the domain names for the cert
- Add all subdomains required to the cert. For example,, *
- Validate you own the domain
- Choose how you wish to validate the domain. The easiest option is to use DNS validation.
- With this approach you need to add some DNS values to your route53 hosted zone.
- Add tags to the cert
- Review the cert details
- Validate the domain
- We chose earlier to validate the domain using the DNS method
- This is made super easy in the console as we are using route53.
- Expand each subdomain
- Click Create record in Route 53
- The records are added for you
Alternatively you can go into the hosted zone in Route53 and add the CNAME values yourself.
- Wait for AWS to validate domain and issue the cert
- This can take up to 24 hours but normally happens in a couple of minutes.
- Once completed the status wil be set to issued.